Monday, May 12, 2014


There is no doubt that our world is in serious need of transformation in many areas.  In his book, The Return of the Mother, Andrew Harvey points out: “The tragic imbalance of the masculine has brought humankind to the point of disaster, and unless we recover the feminine power of the psyche, the power of intuition, patience, reverence for nature, and knowledge of the holy unity of things, and marry in our depths these powers with the masculine energies of rule, reason, passion for order and control, life on the planet will end.”

Notice that Andrew Harvey does not recommend that we ignore the masculine energies of “rule, reason, passion for order and control”, but instead encourages us to call forth our feminine aspects and marry them with our masculine aspects. This is how he envisions we will achieve balance and transform our personal lives and our world.

When we need to change a circumstance in our life, our bodies will call out to us in the form of emotional or physical pain. If we ignore the call, the pain often intensifies until we can no longer ignore it.

Perhaps our world is calling out to us now, begging us to pay attention and become the facilitators of positive transformation. What aspects of your nature could be more balanced?  What action can you take to transform your life, family, community and world?  Where can you make a difference?

Deborah Perkins
Luminous Transformations

(602) 697-5820

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