Monday, May 12, 2014

The Power of Imagination

Reading is one of my passions. A good novel can engage me to the point where I have no sense of time or surroundings. It activates my imagination thereby bringing the story and its characters to life.  Albert Einstein said, “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.  Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited.  Imagination encircles the world.”

If imagination is truly more important than knowledge, how can we harness its power to change and enhance our own lives?

In the book, The Art of Possibility, Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander refer to the familiar everyday world as the “world of measurement”.  They paint the picture that there is a “universe of possibility that stretches far beyond the world of measurement and includes all worlds: infinite, generative and abundant.”  They state, “Unimpeded on a daily basis by the concern for survival, free from the generalized assumption of scarcity, a person stands in the great space of possibility in a posture of openness, with an unfettered imagination for what can be.”

We have the ability to use the power of our imagination to invent and create new worlds of possibility.  Dreams and their ultimate manifestations stem from these new worlds, accessed by anyone at any time.  However, we are more likely to be successful at manifesting our dreams if we remove the chains of limiting beliefs and participate joyfully in the creation process.  There is no magic to this formula for it is based on the law of cause and effect.  Resources that can help us realize our dreams are more likely to come to us in greater abundance when we are optimistic, passionate, joyful, appreciative and generous than if we are pessimistic, impatient, discouraged, fearful and controlling.  It is also much easier to access the power of our imagination when coming from a place of peace and confidence than if we are in an environment that promotes fear and negativity.

As a coach and hypnotherapist, I facilitate and witness healings and manifestations that take place from the power of imagination.  For those who are relaxed and willing to engage their imagination during a hypnotherapy session there is a higher probability  that they will reduce or eliminate their fear, pain, grief, obsessions, cravings, anger or limiting beliefs.

How often do you engage the power of your imagination to help you release limiting beliefs and create new worlds of possibility?

(480) 788-7140

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