Monday, May 12, 2014

Release and let's go!

Releasing and letting go can often be an empowering albeit scary and difficult undertaking. We're creatures of habit who have an incessant need for control, and sometimes letting go can make us feel out of control.

Not only is it a good habit to assess our living spaces several times a year and release our attachments to material objects, but it's also a good habit to assess our physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects and determine what needs to be released.  Clearing away the clutter can help us focus, promote a more peaceful life, and move us out of stuck and stagnant thinking, habits and energy.

Try to take some time to holistically assess your life and see if there is anything you can release that would be of benefit.  You may have a need to release old emotional baggage, fears or limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in neutral.  You might want to release your attachment to certain people who are negative and emotionally draining.  Perhaps you want to release your ego self and step into your true authentic self.

Do a little spring cleaning and experience for yourself the many benefits you will receive.

Deborah Perkins
Luminous Transformations
(480) 788-7140

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