Monday, May 12, 2014

Love Like a Dog

You know that old saying, “work like a dog,” which means to work very hard?  Well, I think whoever came up with that saying got it all wrong.  I have 2 dogs, and I sure don’t see them work very hard.  On the contrary, I see them play hard, sleep hard, and love hard.  I walk in the door and they both greet me with genuine enthusiasm and affection, tails wagging and tongues lapping out of their mouths anxious to give me kisses—even when I’m gone for only a few minutes!

Animals can teach us valuable lessons, and the best lesson to learn from our dogs is the lesson of unconditional love.  Provided we care for our dogs and don’t abuse them, they will time and time again demonstrate their unconditional love for us.  They don’t place many expectations on their love for us (other than food, shelter and occasional attention) as we tend to place on our love.  Even when we ignore them or push them away because we’re too busy to give them attention, they easily forgive and forget reaching out to us again and again to demonstrate their loyalty and love.

It is said that unconditional love is the greatest, purist and most cherished love we can give and receive. Who doesn't want to be loved unconditionally despite our faults and shortcomings?  Yet, unconditional love can be so difficult at times for us to demonstrate.  The fact is, if we want more unconditional love in our life from others, then we have to demonstrate more unconditional love to others.

Let’s learn this important lesson from our dogs.  Love hard, love often, and love just for the sake of loving—without expectations.  Let’s just love and allow those we love to be who they are, in whatever place they’re stuck, and without judgment.  In other words, let’s love like a dog!

Deborah Perkins
Luminous Transformations
(480) 788-7140

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