Monday, May 12, 2014

The Wild Woman

There is a wild woman inside every woman.  She is the woman who dances with abandon, free from any constraints.  The wild woman exemplifies passion and courage for she is a force of pure and powerful energy.  Most women have locked away their wild woman usually from a misconception that she is an unacceptable expression of the feminine aspect.  This could not be further from the truth.

When in balance, the wild woman is deeply rooted with the wisdom of the earth.  She connects us with our passions and instills us with creativity and courage.  She is deeply in-tune with her self-healing power. There are many arrays to our feminine nature, and it is essential that we allow the full spectrum and depth of our expression to come forth in balance, without shame or fear.

During a time when our world is in desperate need of transformation on many levels, it is important to unleash our wild woman.  She will guide us, through passion, to the place where we can make the most significant contribution and then fill us with the courage to take action.

If you are having difficulty connecting with passion and life purpose, call forth your wild woman nature.  Be spontaneous, dance with abandon, and laugh aloud until the tears stream down your face.  Then, take a new look at the world with the eyes and heart of the wild woman who will help you connect with passion and purpose.

Luminous Transformations

(602) 697-5820

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