Monday, August 25, 2014

Regression Therapy

Regression therapy originated in hypnotherapy. It is a technique used to help someone access a past memory in order to heal a present issue and can work wonders with inexplicable fears, guilt or shame, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or with a number of psychosomatic problems. It is a safe, low-cost, and drug-free way to overcome psychological issues and its effects can be immediate.

For example, a client came to me for help with a fear of closed-in spaces, especially airplanes. She had to travel the next day by airplane and wanted to reduce her anxiety before and during the flight. When I regressed her to the point of the first occurrence of her fear of closed-in spaces, she was able to remember a time when she was very young and would hide in a closet whenever her parents argued. This memory was the trigger point to her current fear of closed-in spaces.

Oftentimes, just the remembrance of a past memory can greatly reduce or alleviate the present effect. In this case, my client reported that although her claustrophobia symptoms were not entirely alleviated, her symptoms were reduced to the point where she was able to relax enough to enjoy the flight.

Another client of mine who was accosted by a burglar while in her home, requested regression hypnotherapy to remember more details about the experience in order to help the police solve the crime. A detective joined us during the session and recorded it in case additional details were uncovered. We agreed that the primary goal of the session would be to reduce her fear so that she could once again sleep and feel safety in her own home. Although a few more details about the attack were revealed during the session, the most important result was that her fear was greatly reduced to the point that she was able to sleep for the first time since the incident. Over the following weeks, she reported to me that the hypnosis session reduced her fear and allowed her to once again feel peace and safety in her own home.

Past-life regression therapy is a form of hypnotherapy used to help a person access a previous lifetime memory to understand and resolve a current unexplained issue. Whether the story brought to mind while under hypnosis is true or a fabrication of the mind is not the focus of the session. The focus is on using the healing power of our subconscious mind and imagination to learn about and resolve the present issue at hand.

If you have questions about regression or past-life regression hypnotherapy and how it may be able to help you, please contact me. I would be happy to answer your questions.

Deborah Perkins

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