Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday's Energy Medicine Tip

Friday’s Energy Medicine Tip: Have you ever been in an argument with someone and been so angry that you couldn’t think straight? Well, that’s because your body was in “fight or flight” mode and most of your energies were moving away from your brain and to your major muscles preparing you to duke it out or run. 

Here is a quick energy medicine routine you can do whenever you are upset that can help calm you enough to re-engage your brain so that you can move out of fight or flight and have a calm, rational conversation.

Step 1:  Tap your K-27 points (27th points on the Kidney meridian) as shown in the diagram to the left. Inhale deeply as you tap or deeply rub these point for 30 seconds.

Step 2:  Do some cross crawls for about 30 seconds. Just march in place while you touch your right hand to your left knee and then left hand to right knee. This exercise stimulates the right and left hemispheres of the brain resulting in increased brain function.

Step 3:  Sedate the triple warmer meridian by rubbing both temples. Then on an inhale drag your fingers up and over your ears. While exhaling continue to drag your fingers down your neck to the tops of your shoulders. End by giving yourself a brief shoulder rub and then drop your hands to your sides.

Contact me to schedule an appointment for an energy assessment and balancing session. I will teach you how you can optimize your body's energies so that you can lead a healthier and more joyful life.

Luminous Transformations
(602) 697-5820

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