Monday, June 30, 2014

Healing with Flower Essences

Mother Earth has provided us with an abundance of natural healing remedies, but one of her most powerful of these remedies is flowers. Each variety has its own unique healing properties based upon its appearance, color, fragrance and energy. Flower essence therapy addresses specific emotional and metaphysical issues. These beautiful and natural remedies can help you move past grief, worry, fear, loss or indecision and allow peace and happiness to return so that the body can better heal itself.

Dr. Edward Bach, born in Moseley, England in 1886 was the creator of the original 38 Bach Flower Remedies. He began his career as a house surgeon and casualty medical officer at University College Hospital. After research in immunology, he developed an interest in homeopathy and then joined the laboratories of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital in 1919. He believed that illness was the effect of disharmony between the body and mind and that the symptoms of illness are the external expression of negative emotional states. In 1928 he began work on his own homeopathic remedies from plants, each aimed at a particular mental state or emotion.

A flower essence is composed of the energetic properties of a single flower (individual essence) or group of flowers (composite formula) infused in water by sunlight or moonlight. It is most often preserved in brandy but can also be preserved in apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin for pets, children, or those who are alcohol sensitive. A few drops are placed under the tongue several times a day usually for a period of about two weeks.

Although the original Bach Flower Remedies are made from flowers in England, the Sonoran Desert has an abundance of natural wild flowers that have their own unique healing properties. For example, the agave flower helps you own your level of mastery and manifest your talents and strengths. 

So, instead of reaching for the tequila to help you overcome your fear of taking a risk, instead use the essence of the agave flower which will help you trust in your inner gifts and strengths so that you can manifest your heart’s desires.

Deborah Perkins

Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday's Energy Medicine Tip

Friday’s Energy Medicine Tip: Have you ever been in an argument with someone and been so angry that you couldn’t think straight? Well, that’s because your body was in “fight or flight” mode and most of your energies were moving away from your brain and to your major muscles preparing you to duke it out or run. 

Here is a quick energy medicine routine you can do whenever you are upset that can help calm you enough to re-engage your brain so that you can move out of fight or flight and have a calm, rational conversation.

Step 1:  Tap your K-27 points (27th points on the Kidney meridian) as shown in the diagram to the left. Inhale deeply as you tap or deeply rub these point for 30 seconds.

Step 2:  Do some cross crawls for about 30 seconds. Just march in place while you touch your right hand to your left knee and then left hand to right knee. This exercise stimulates the right and left hemispheres of the brain resulting in increased brain function.

Step 3:  Sedate the triple warmer meridian by rubbing both temples. Then on an inhale drag your fingers up and over your ears. While exhaling continue to drag your fingers down your neck to the tops of your shoulders. End by giving yourself a brief shoulder rub and then drop your hands to your sides.

Contact me to schedule an appointment for an energy assessment and balancing session. I will teach you how you can optimize your body's energies so that you can lead a healthier and more joyful life.

Luminous Transformations
(602) 697-5820

Sunday, June 15, 2014

What is Energy Medicine?

Energy Chakras
Energy Medicine is the science and art of raising and maintaining balanced and optimal energetic systems so that our body can more effectively heal itself.

Energy, or chi/ki, is our body's life force. Our bodies are made up of energy centers (chakras) and energy pathways (meridians). When we eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, minimize our stress levels, and exercise regularly, our body's energy will vibrate at a higher frequency and keep our cells, tissues and organs healthy allowing us to feel more joyful.

When we eat poorly, live day-after-day in stressful situations, and don't get enough exercise, our body's chi or ki vibrates at a lower frequency making us feel sluggish or depressed and eventually leading to physical and/or emotional dis-ease.

Reiki touch
There are many forms of energy work. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" in order to raise the invisible (to most) life force energy that flows through us. Reiki was developed in 1922 by a Japanese Buddhist, Mikao Usui.

Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) was developed by Donna Eden and is based on Touch for Health (TFH) which was created by John F. Thie, DC (1933 - 2005). TFH and EEM both draw on over 30 years of techniques in Kinesiology as well as thousands of years of philosophies and sciences.

EEM and TFH utilize Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing) to pinpointed energy blockages and then correct (or balance) them through a variety of non-invasive techniques such as body movement, tapping, massaging, pinching, twisting, or tracing the hand across the skin along energy pathways (meridians). These techniques encourage the body's healing mechanisms to kick-in thereby activating the healing process.

I have made it a practice to assess my clients' energy systems in every session. This gives me some insight into their current issue(s). What I have consistently found is that the majority of my clients come to me with a variety of energy issues but the two most common are: 1) Their body is in "fight or flight" mode where the triple warmer meridian is over-active and robbing energy from other energy pathways; or 2) Their energies are more prominent in the upper half of their body and not flowing through the entire body in a balanced manner--they aren't grounded. Once I correct these energy issues, they immediately feel calmer, more grounded and focused. Now, the work we do together is to pinpoint the life issues that are causing the energy system issues and determine an effective healing solution.

As a hypnotherapist, it is important that my clients are grounded and calm before I begin the hypnosis. Energy Medicine helps prepare my clients for a more successful hypnotherapy session and oftentimes helps reduce the number of sessions needed to achieve their healing goals.

I make it a point to teach my clients energy medicine because it is important to me that they have the tools needed to improve their health and well-being.

For more information, contact:
Deborah Perkins
(602) 697-5820

Monday, June 2, 2014

Fears, Phobias and the Power of Hypnotherapy

Almost everyone has an irrational fear or two: Fear of snakes or spiders, fear of flying, and even fear of failure are common.  Most fears are normal, and some of them are innate, built-in fears we are born with to keep us safe.

There is some debate about exactly how many fears we are actually born with.  Some experts say there are 5 common human fears: Fear of death; fear of embarrassment; fear of the loss of love; fear of rejection; and fear of falling (heights).  Some experts say that there are only 2 pre-programmed human fears: Fear of loud noises; and fear of falling.

It is normal, and even beneficial to experience fear when in dangerous circumstances.  However, a fear becomes a phobia when it poses little to no danger and yet a person has an intense, irrational reaction that inhibits their ability to function or live a normal life.  Common phobias include closed-in places (claustrophobia), heights (altophobia), highway driving (vehophobia), flying insects (entophobia), snakes (ophidiophobia), and needles (aichmophobia or belonephobia). However, we can develop a phobia of just about anything.

When I was young, I was so afraid of heights that I couldn’t even climb up a few rungs of a ladder, let alone go on a Ferris wheel or roller coaster.  I had this fear for many years but it didn’t become a phobia until I got a job at the Sears Tower (now called Willis Tower) on the 70th floor. That was when I realized it was time to confront my phobia.

To treat my phobia of heights, I intentionally forced myself to climb ladders or sit in high places until my heart stopped beating fast and I was able to sit comfortably. Eventually, my phobia became a normal, healthy fear.  This is not the best, the easiest or a recommended way to treat a phobia. Unfortunately, at the time I treated myself, I didn’t know about hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective treatment for fears and phobias.  It can greatly reduce and even eliminate them. The number of sessions that it takes to reduce or eliminate a phobia depends on several factors, a few being; the intensity of the fear, the length of time the person has lived with the fear, the level of trust between the client and hypnotherapist, and the suggestibility of the client.

Mind you, I still don’t relish heights, but I can now climb ladders without trepidation, experience the beauty of the Mogollon Rim and Grand Canyon, and even stand on the glass floor of the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada and look down to see a whole different perspective of the world.
Deborah Perkins
(480) 788-7140.